Grand Master Dennis Kelly brings you his official Tai Chi USA system of 15 beautiful moves of the Gold Level that can be added to the Bronze Level of 16 moves, and Silver Level of 18 moves, continually, creating a lovely form of graceful, serene, and very relaxing moves for ones better well being, and state of mind, for peace and tranquility.
Preview Tai Chi, Gold Level DVD by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
This level of Tai Chi in this new DVD, was created for learning and enhancing the students class level of participation.
As an accomplished, Certified Sports Nutritionist, HeartMath Peak Performance Life Coach, Personal Fitness Trainer and a member of the Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Fame, Author of “The Six Steps to the Fountain of Youth”, Kelly imparts how to “MASTER the SECRETS of LIFE, that led him on his journey to becoming a 5 time World Martial Arts Champion, holding 13 National Championship Titles at age 69, when most martial artists have retired. Kelly’s secrets lie within his Tai Chi USA system, and a philosophy that “Inside all of us is a champion!”
Tai Chi allows ones self to become a more willing participant in the process of change, which is inevitable anyway. Keeping things simple, by using the body as the vehicle, the mind as the map, and the spirit as the fuel, can bring peak performance for any individual, in any walk of life.
Master Kelly’s research and experience with physically, mentally and emotionally fit people of all ages has produced amazing results, along with even those physically challenged.
Tai Chi is the ultimate exercise to reduce stress, increase metabolism, burn fat, sharpen focus and concentration, improve balance, promote peace, tranquility and increase an overall sense of well being.
These exercises have been choreographed with beautiful music and dance like movements to resemble that of animals in nature.
This program features the Gold Level of 15 continuous moves that will allow one to flow through the forms, gracefully, effortlessly, and achieving many healthy benefits while performing the moves to relaxing music.
Other programs are available in the progressively advanced levels; The Masters, The Grand Masters Level.
Order Tai Chi Gold Level Instructional DVD by Grand Master Dennis Kelly for Just $34.97 (Free Shipping)
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