The benefits of Chi Kung and Tai Chi are enormous and numerous. Improved overall health More … [read more]

Tai Chi Training, Certification & Performance Coaching
At the age of 78 Master Kelly won his 6th. martial arts world championship. Some call it a miracle, but it's simply because of the amazing anti-aging power of Chi Kung and Tai Chi.
You can experience the same amazing benefits that has blessed Master Kelly's. Chi Kung is simple, easy, yet powerful way for you to achieve better health, vitality and longevity.
Click below and select the online video option, name your price and get started now.
The benefits of Chi Kung and Tai Chi are enormous and numerous. Improved overall health More … [read more]
Do ever feel like you are on a spinning wheel, the merry go round in life? Feel Unhappy? Stressed? Loss of Sleep? Overweight? Dull drums? Unfulfilled? Feeling of hopelessness?What if I told you I have a program that can help change all areas in your … [Read More...]
2018/2019 Dennis Kelly Author / Speaker /Peak Performance Master Trainer/Personal Growth (Corporate, … [continued]
Today, we are living in very volatile times around the world, in vastly changing times needless to say that is affecting … [read more]
“Champion the Champion Within©” Kelly shares his secrets to “The Mastery of L.I.F.E.© using the M.A.P. (Master Action Plan), … [read more]
Book Summary When I was a young man, I went from construction work to ballroom dancing, where I became an Instructor, … [read more]
Hi! I‘m Master Dennis Kelly and would like to share my journey with you of my personal lifestyle, a tried and true proven program, that I developed … [read more]
Myself and master kelly have been sparring partners in karate for 25 years now and he never fails to amaze me that at 78 years old still spars and trains harder than people half his age.He is an inspiration to old and young people and has over come many obstacles and challenges in life but always proves that these obstacles can always be over come!I highly recommend masters Kellys classes to everyone as he will show you theres a champion in all of us!
Ever since I was 5 I knew I had a passion for movement. My dance career has blessed me to help others find one's inner passion for healing with the art of movement in Pilates, Yoga, and Ballet. Master Dennis Kelly's work is the connective glue that supports all forms of movement. Master Kelly has spoken to my heart through his work and will forever enrich my life from the inside out.
“As a Personal Trainer, Sales Representative and club Director, Master Kelly certainly proved that he had important business and athletic skills as well as exceptional human traits. He is a man of integrity who has a profound personal concern for others. Seldom does one have an opportunity to work with such a gifted individual. His nationwide seminars preach and teach the message that health and fitness and solid human values that include honesty, respect and self-reliance, can make anyone a peak performer and a winner in life. I am proud to have Dennis as a friend and colleague”
–Kevin Donofrio, Owner Athletic Clubs of America
“Testimonials noted decreased stress, lowered blood pressure, weight loss, and more energy"
-- Kelli Trapp, Wellness Ed., The Home Shopping Network
“Yours is a real success story, and I applaud both your passion and your commitment to add value to people’s lives. One of my greatest joys is getting the opportunity to hear about the resourcefulness and dedication of individuals such as yourself. Congratulations on pursuing your dreams”
– Anthony J. Robbins, Robbins Research International, Inc.
“Most of what a person reads concerns only diet and fitness, but your program goes way beyond these measures and adds the additional concepts of developing improved mental health, more reasonable goal setting, and encouraging satisfaction in one’s self.”
– Loren W. Hunt MD, Mayo Clinic
“I am very pleased with the results that I received from my work with Master Kelly. We used physical exercises like Chi Kung and Tai Chi along with goal setting and guided imagery. I obtained more flexibility and fluidity, gained mental sharpness and focus. I had fun and believe will help me on and off the playing field.”
– Todd Yoder, Tampa Bay Buccaneers