The benefits of Chi Kung and Tai Chi are enormous and numerous.
- Improved overall health
- More Energy
- Improved mental focus
- An improved outlook on life
- Weight loss
- Improvement in core strength
- Better balance
- Lower blood pressure
- Improved productivity
- You’re happier and therefore the people around you are happier.
Basically as you, your body and your being get energetically aligned the natural (and sometimes miraculous) process your body contains as standard equipment begins to take over and your experience of living improves in all aspects and…………………you don’t have to spend hours sweating to the oldies, or money on gas driving to the gym. You can do it all from the comfort and privacy of home.
All of this of course is motherhood and apple pie. So the question is why should you choose Tai Chi USA?
To answer that question I have to tell you that the only reason you won’t get results from Chi Kung & Tai Chi is if you quit.
“But with so many benefits why would I quit Master Kelly?”
The answer is simple.
People quit because they don’t get the results they want when they want.
The Tai Chi USA Difference
Eliminate Student Overwhelm and Reduce Dropout
In the past there was a belief that if you were going to learn Tai Chi or Chi Kung that you had to a purist and follow the same learning process that had been taught for years. You were expected to learn all 108 moves (known as the long form) and any deviation was a sin against the art. But, this was just too much for most students and having to learn a complete 108 move choreography caused “Overwhelm” and drop out.
The 108 move choreography was reduced to a 50 move choreography (known as the short form) but this was still too much and there was little reduction in dropout. It was clear that what was needed was a simplified way to present the information in a “Westernized” sort of way.
With the Tai Chi USA system you can get stared right away with the Tai Chi Foundation Level 1 DVD.
This DVD starts you off with a safe and simple set of 14 different moves you can perform in any order you want and……………….without sacrificing any of the benefits. You won’t have to MEMORIZE a complete choreography of moves & you’ll feel results immediately and once you’ve mastered these 14 moves you can start adding the remainder of the 50 short form list of moves with the, 1) Tai Bronze, 2) Silver and the 3) Gold Levels DVDs
Chi Kung and Tai Chi – A Blended Approach
The purpose of the Tai Chi USA approach is to help you safely, easily and quickly benefit from the time and money you invest. We achieve this by offering a curriculum that is a blend between Chi Kung and Tai Ch.
In fact we suggest that before you start studying Tai Chi that you start with our Soma Motion Chi Kung Levels 1 and 2 DVDs…..and with good reason.
If you read the article on the Art of Chi Kung then you already have an appreciation for the tremendous health benefits of Chi Kung.
“Chi Kung is the safest and most popular form of exercise in the world. Why? Because it works! Chi Kung is not only gentle, it is very strengthening. It involves deep breathing, while moving very meditatively and slowly. Done correctly, it can offer a great cardiovascular routine for all 654 muscles. The whole body becomes oxygenated, a process which repairs and rejuvenates cells. Also, a loving and appreciative attitude is cultivated and of course, love is the greatest healer of them all!”
The Tai Chi USA method leads with Chi Kung because of it’s focus on health, which supports moving into Tai Chi. In the purest of perspectives, Chi Kung is focused on your Chi, or your energy and Tai Chi is focused on feeling.
So it really only makes sense to lead with Chi Kung and kick start the health restoration process before moving in to Tai Chi because the healthier you are the better prepared you will be for Tai Chi.
Blending the two arts just makes sense and we believe that they compliment and support each other.
So if you’re just getting started and wondering what you should buy and study first then we recommend the following DVDs to begin with.
By starting with Soma Motion and Chi Kung Levels 1 and 2 you’ll get start getting health benefits rapidly. You’re going to get excited, motivated, dedicated and move into Tai Chi with commitment and confidence.
Learn Chi Kung & Tai Chi from Master Dennis Kelly – Fast, Safe Results and a Roadmap
Students used to have to study Chi Kung and Tai Chi for years, spending hours memorizing 100+ moves in choreography form which resulted in a high drop out rate and when your out, you’re out.
To make sure this doesn’t happen to you and that you get the results you need, the Tai Chi USA system uses an approach the blends Chi Kung and Tai Chi.
We start you off with Soma Motion & Chi Kung so you get safe and fast health benefits and then support your transition into Tai Chi by presenting a uniquely organized set of 14 Tai Chi moves you can perform in any order you want in the Tai Chi Foundation Level 1 DVD.
From there, if you want to move on (and you will) to master the short form of 50 moves you will move on to the Tai Chi Bronze, Tai Chi Silver and Tai Chi Gold Level DVDs.
So if you’re ready to begin your Chi Kung and Tai Chi studies and experience your own personal health and fitness renaissance you have a comprehensive and complete roadmap that will get you safe fast results and help you master the short form of 50 Tai Chi.
Thank You Grand Master Dennis Kelly
PS: If you think you want to teach Chi Kung and Tai Chi, then what you should do right now is read about our Tai Chi & Chung certification programs and then get in touch with us for a personal 1 on 1 consultation.