CHI KUNG Levels I & II, features the official Tai Chi USA system, created by Grand Master Dennis Kelly, of 6 prioritized moves helping the individual to transition more smoothly and effectively to the full 20 moves of Level II.
Preview Soma Motion Chi Kung Levels 1 & 2, DVD by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
Grand Master Dennis Kelly patterned Level I after the successful results of student/Instructor, Jan Shields, who had multiple challenges. This program was then used in the successful pilot for the Parkinson Foundation through USF, and numerous grants made possible for Parkinson patient/students and their care givers
THE CHI KUNG Levels I & II are the official Grand Master Dennis Kelly, learning DVDS, using the TAI CHI U.S.A. system.
CHI KUNG Levels I & II are recommended for individuals seeking alternative ways to improve metabolism, burn fat, enhance and balance other workout programs already in place.
CHI KUNG is the ultimate exercise program to help reduce stress, sharpen focus and concentration, improve balance and increase a sense of well being. These exercises have been choreographed with music and dance like movements to resemble that of animals in nature.
Coupled with guided imagery, one can experience a relaxed state and feel a sense of peace and calm immediately and can be integrated with other programs, and is a great cool down, after a strenuous workout.
Taken from the ancient art of Chi Kung, a blend of Eastern (traditional Chi Kung) and western technologies, this program aka known as the Tai Chi USA system, is a result of Grand Master Dennis Kelly’s research, and development.
Use of this program has contributed to Master Kelly’s discovery of how to “MASTER the SECRETS of LIFE”, becoming a 5 time World Martial Arts Champion at age 69, and successful work with physically, mentally, emotionally fit and physically challenged people of all ages.
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Hey, Dennis, I remember you and Barbara well. I took lessons at Timber Pines/Springhill, FL. I was probably the most petite of your seniors. I’m still traveling, but now it’s in a 5th wheel with my sweetie, Jerry. We go from Canada to FL; from CA to ME. I just passed my 20th birthday…for the 4th time. Life is good. So glad I finally found your DVDs online. Wishing the best to you and Barbara. Hugs, Lorraine Rose