As a student of Chi Kung and Tai Chi using the Tai Chi USA system you’ll experience tremendous physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. You’ll have more energy, more vitality, you’ll look on your life and living in general. You’ll develop a new outlook on living and with this new outlook and vigor it is only natural that you may want to share what you’ve learned and help others experience some of the same benefits as you.
Become a Professional Tai Chi USA Certified Instructor (and/or a Professional Certified Master Trainer & Certify Professional Instructors
Spreading the work and helping others experience, or reclaim a youthful vitality they may not have enjoyed for years is a wonderful feeling and gives a great sense of accomplishment…………..and there’s no reason why you should not be compensated for your expertise and the benefits you’re bringing to others.
Dennis Kelly and the Tai Chi USA System offers a number of different certification programs to fit your needs. Review the summarized list of certification programs below. If you have an interest in becoming a certified instructor or trainer, then simply complete form at the bottom of the page to arrange for a private 1 on 1 consultation with Master Kelly and Tai Chi USA.
Quick Start Basic Certification Program
The intent of this program is to get you out teaching the Quick Start Basic Entry Level within 30 to 60 days. This certification program and will allow you to teach the Tai Chi USA program anywhere in the world
You will receive:
- Quick Start Basic Entry Level DVD-features all warm ups,
- Seated and standing movements, Dynamic Fusion and more
- This DVD is brand new, as of July 2013,
- The Professional Tai Chi / Chi Kung Manual
- One complimentary live “Master Hands On” Training Master Dennis Kelly
- One 60 minute tele-coach, Q & A call with Grand Master Kelly
Upon completion of all course material and are ready to certify, you will be expected to take and to pass a written test and send Master Kelly a video demonstrating your learning expertise. Upon successful completion of the test you will receive..
The Professional Tai Chi / Chi Kung Instructor Certificate signed with an original signature by Grand Master Dennis Kelly, and stamped with the official Tai Chi USA system Gold Seal, effective for two years.
Once officially certified, all Instructors are entitled to discounts on DVDs, future merchandise, and special programs offered throughout the year.
Note: If you’re already in a HealthWays FLEX program, as a Silver Sneakers instructor call our office to make special arrangements, that we have created strictly for Healthways certified Instructors
Click here to order your Quick Start Basic Certification
Chi Kung SomaMotion Levels 1 & 2 and Tai Chi Foundation Level 1
Course includes Chi Kung SomaMotion DVD
The Chi Kung SomaMotion Levels 1 & 2 takes you to the next level 1 of 6 Proritized moves, to help transition to the full 20 moves of Level 2
The Tai Chi Foundation brings you the 14 steps of Tai Chi, in this instructional learning DVD
Click Here to Order Chi Kung Soma Motion Certification
Bronze Level Tai Chi Certification
Course includes Bronze Level DVD
This level of certification will allow you to teach students up to the Bronze Level expanding your capability to teach an additional 16 beautiful moves. You get
- Bronze Level DVD
- Bronze Level Certification Certificate signed by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
Bronze Level Tai Chi Certification does not require a written test but you will be required to submit a video demonstrating your mastery of the 16 Bronze level moves. In support of your efforts you are eligible for personal support from Grand Master Kelly.
Click Here to Order Your Bronze Level Certification
Silver Level Tai Chi Certification
Course includes Silver Level DVD
This level of certification will allow you to teach students up to the Bronze Level expanding your capability to teach an additional 18 beautiful moves. You get
- Silver Level DVD
- Silver Level Certification Certificate signed by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
Silver Level Tai Chi Certification does not require a written test but you will be required to submit a video demonstrating your mastery of the 18 Silver level moves. In support of your efforts you are eligible for personal support from Grand Master Kelly.
Click here to Order Your Silver Level Certification
Gold Level Tai Chi Certification
Course includes Gold Level DVD
This level of certification will allow you to teach students up to the Bronze Level expanding your capability to teach an additional 15 beautiful moves. You get
- Gold Level DVD
- Gold Level Certification Certificate signed by Grand Master Dennis Kelly
Gold Level Tai Chi Certification does not require a written test but you will be required to submit a video demonstrating your mastery of the 15 Gold level moves. In support of your efforts you are eligible for personal support from Grand Master Kelly.
Click Here to Order Your Gold Level Certification Program
Master Level Instructor Program
Course includes Master Level DVD
The Master Level Instructor Program features 50 additional moves creating a long form and combined with all previous levels, The Bronze, The Silver, The Gold, again, learning to “MASTER” the art of life force or “chi” energy.
Once you have reviewed the Master Level DVD, and have learned each move proficiently, describing each move, the way it is taught in the DVD, by Grand Master Dennis Kelly, you will then video film yourself, and send to Grand Master Dennis Kelly directly for his review and certification.
Once approved you will receive your certificate of authenticity as a Master Level Professional Tai Chi /Chi Kung Instructor, stamped with the official Tai Chi U.S.A. Gold Seal, and original signature by Grand Master Dennis Kelly.
Click Here to Order the Master Level Instructor Program
Grand Master Level Instructor Program
The Grand Master Level Instructor DVD of 58 moves
The Grand Master Professional MASTER TRAINER Manual
The 200 Test Questions
The Grand Master Instructor level features the ultimate in learning, and Master teaching expertise, equal to that of a PHD. Through each of the levels that you have learned to facilitate, and impart the “wisdom of the ages”, all the various moves, along with the features and benefits, you will now work towards earning the right to teach all levels through AND including the Grand Master Level, a position of high respect and honor.
Qualifying for this prestigious position requires you to learn all 58 moves of the Grand Master Level, study the Master Trainer Manual, answer the 200 questions, and meet privately in person with Grand Master Dennis Kelly to be professionally certified, with a certificate of authenticity. The certificate is officially signed with his original signature by Grand Master Dennis Kelly, stamped with his official Tai Chi U.S.A. Gold stamp.
Click Here to Get Your Grand Master Level Instructor Program
This level is for the Tai Chi / Chi Kung entrepreneur and allows you to share in the revenue that results from when your students and/or other indivuals express a desire to be certified.
At this level you are granted the privilege of certifying your students and others showing interest to develop one of the fastest growing careers as a professional Tai Chi Instructor and share in the the revenue from the certification.
Think of this level almost as a franchise which can be purchased at any time. The only restriction is that you can only certify up to the level of your own certification, as a professionally certified Tai Chi / Chi Kung Instructor.
Course includes
The Professional Tai Chi / Chi Kung Instructor Manual
The Test Questions
The Professional Tai Chi / Chi Kung MASTER TRAINER MANUAL
The Test Questions
The Quick Start Basic Entry Level DVD
The Chi Kung SomaMotion Levels 1 & 2 DVD
The Tai Chi Foundation Level 1
The Tai Chi Bronze Level
The Tai Chi Silver Level
The Tai Chi Gold Level
One complimentary Live “Masters Hands On” Training, for each graduated level of certification, with Grand Master Kelly,(total of 6)
One live telecoach call for each graduated level of certification, with Grand Master Dennis Kelly (total of 6)
Click Here to for the Master Level Trainer Program
Start the Tai Chi Certification Process AND to hear about SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFERS contact Master Kelly direct for personal interview
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