The Grand Master Level Instructor DVD of 58 moves
The Grand Master Professional MASTER TRAINER Manual
The 200 Test Questions
The Grand Master Instructor level features the ultimate in learning, and Master teaching expertise, equal to that of a PHD. Through each of the levels that you have learned to facilitate, and impart the “wisdom of the ages”, all the various moves, along with the features and benefits, you will now work towards earning the right to teach all levels through AND including the Grand Master Level, a position of high respect and honor.
Qualifying for this prestigious position requires you to learn all 58 moves of the Grand Master Level, study the Master Trainer Manual, answer the 200 questions, and meet privately in person with Grand Master Dennis Kelly to be professionally certified, with a certificate of authenticity. The certificate is officially signed with his original signature by Grand Master Dennis Kelly, stamped with his official Tai Chi U.S.A. Gold stamp.
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