Do ever feel like you are on a spinning wheel, the merry go round in life? Feel Unhappy? Stressed? Loss of Sleep? Overweight? Dull drums? Unfulfilled? Feeling of hopelessness?
What if I told you I have a program that can help change all areas in your life, to “EPIC”proportions by following “The M.A.P.” (The Master Action Plan©)
This program is not offered anywhere else on the planet. I can promise that if you are willing to commit to the program, it will be life changing with guaranteed results!!!
I’m Dennis Kelly, and have proven my system works without a doubt as it led me to become a World Class Ball Room Dancer, 5 time World, 13 time National Martial Arts Champion, and Martial Arts Magazine Hall of Famer, but MOST importantly a happy, healthy, spiritually grounded loving & forgiving human being, by following “The M.A.P!” Stopping stress in its tracks, and “Master Living from the Heart!” My program has led thousands of others become a “Champion in Life” from stay at home Moms, to Corporate Executives, to Professional Golfers and Football players. “There IS a champion inside all of us!”
Let’s start with stress! Did you know that stress has been known to be the no# 1 cause that leads to dis-ease, and in many cases premature death? Did you know it has proven, the effects of unmanaged stress, such as 1 angry thought, resentment, negative thoughts, un-forgiveness held for 5 minutes or more can deposit 5-6 hours worth of harmful chemicals into the system, like cortisol known as the “death hormone”, and lower the IGA levels which is the first line of defense to the immune system and can last up to a full day?
We are ALL living in a world of volatile times, surrounding us on a daily basis, from personal, to financial, to governmental, political, religious & racial challenges, world threats and more, that are affecting the daily lives of people GLOBALLY!!!! It does NOT have to be that way, if everyone does their part by living “from THE HEART!” “ONE HEART AT A TIME” Learning to live and love from the heart, changes EVERYTHING
Once you learn my “Self Mastery” program, MASTER the 1 minute stress management, that can be done, anytime, anywhere, you will have opened the doors to a new way of life and “freedom from within!” You will then be on YOUR way to guide and MASTER your emotional compass by “Master Living from the Heart!” Learning to live and love from the heart, changes EVERYTHING! I teach YOU how to do this and more!
Instant relief that can lead to better overall health, improved sense of well-being, better sleep, better sex, better focus, concentration, better decision making, better relationships, better EVERYTHING, by learning my program!
A Mind/Body/Spirit Connection, using the Mind as the Map, The Body as the Vehicle & the Spirit as the Fuel, UNLIKE any other program!
As a Certified Sport Nutritionist, Personal Peak Performance Coach, I will share my secrets that led me becoming a Martial Arts Champion! I will teach YOU to become a “Champion in LIFE!”
GUARANTEED RESULTS, when YOU make the commit!
For more information on Workshops, Seminars, Speaker Events Go to Call or Text: 727-798-8081, email,
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